Friday, June 14, 2013

A Letter to my Son's Pre-K Teachers

Dear Teachers,

How do I possibly put into words all of what I am feeling right now?  My sweet, creative, dramatic, inquisitive little boy has reached such an important milestone, and he is there because of you.

Every morning he wakes up before the sun and excitedly asks, "What are we doing today?" Five days a week he is picking out his clothes before I have even opened my eyes.  He is brushing his teeth before I have even had my coffee.  And I know you have seen him on a dialy basis dart into your classroom while I am still working my way though the parking lot.

My son loves school...and it's because of you.

He loves to share everything he knows - with everyone - including the mailman.

He loves to light the candles, say the prayers, and observe Shabbat.  We can't start until everyone is sitting.

He loves to go to the library and research what he has learned at school. We have taken out the same insect book about eight times.

He loves to sing the songs he has learned in class.  The donut hole song cracks us up each and every time.

He loves to dress up and pretend.  One day he is an astronaut.  The next day he is a police officer.  Occasionally he is a police officer who is wearing a jet pack.

He loves to name his toys after his classmates and teachers.  He uses his action figures to act out situations.  Miss Lois is Iron Man and Miss Pam is Spiderman.

He loves to write his name and gets frustrated when it isn't perfect.  Every day at dismissal he opens his backpack to eagerly show me his latest piece of artwork.

He loves to be independant.  He can do so much more than I give him credit for, and I appreciate your gentle reminders to let him soar when I am holding him back.

Just last week at graduation, I was working very hard to hold back the tears.  Even now, as I sit here writing this, I look across the room at him.  He's sitting at the computer playing a game, giggling at something on the screen, without a care in the world, and once again I fight back the tears.

I am so proud of all that he has accomplished this year.  He's worked so hard.  He has been declassified and no longer needs services.  He has gained confidence, can control himself better and works well in a group.  He has become a compassionate big brother and a compassionate friend to others.

All of his accomplishments are because of you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I know that I can't keep him in a bubble, but I still dread sending him off on the big yellow bus to kindergarten. However, it's a little bit easier knowing that you have set such a strong foundation.

Everything he can do, everything he has done, and the little man that he has's because of you.

Heather and Ethan